
Company Introduction

About Us

In the beginning was the people.

Placing trust in each person's competences is the approach we chose.
Then, we also are convinced that the interaction between individuals is the best source for awakening new abilities. Offering these people an opportunity to develop their skills while taking part in the company's projects is our concept.

The convenience with this attitude is that we are not confined with a specific line or type of products.
We take good care that every member of our team has the opportunity to undertake work that fascinates and drives him.
Considering every member's ideas and desires in order to ensure the most entertaining products, thus we may finally hope to satisfy as many people in as we possibly can.



Collavier Our company's name is a combination of the French words “Collaboration” which have the same meaning as in English and “Convier” which mean “to invite”.
An invitation for collaboration, “Let's do it together!”.

If you are asking yourself how it should be pronounced, here is the IPA: /kɔ̃vje/.
Take the “co” from cola, the “la” from lack, add a “B” and a “A” and you're done: co-la-b-a.
However, we invite you to pronounce our company's name the way that suit you the most.

As for the logo itself, we chose a simple and relaxing graduated font in order to make it soft to the eyes of everyone. The red tittle is representative of an individual. An image for the fact that each member of our company is representing it.


Company Outline

Company Name: Collavier Corporation
Established: 25th of December 2008
Capital: 1 Million Yen
Business: Digital Content (Production&Marketing), other services.
Address: 601 NORD Building, 1-6-11 Kita-Ueno, Taitoku, Tokyo Japan 110-0014
Email: (image display to counter Email spam)
Accounting Period: From the 1st of January to the 31st of December.
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Company Structure

Research & Development This is the main section of the company. Specialized in products or other services' research and development.
Administrative Accounting and Human Resources included.
Marketing & Planning Sales planning, advertising, etc. of our company's developed products.